Supported Formulas
Methvin provides a variety of functions to streamline calculations, whether you're managing complex construction projects or handling simpler measurements. These functions are designed to improve accuracy and simplify your workflow. Methvin supports a wide range of functions, including basic arithmetic, advanced JavaScript-based calculations, and date functions for managing project timelines. These functions are categorized into the following sections:
- Quick Functions
- JavaScript Math Functions
- JavaScript Date Functions
- Project Financing Example
1. Quick Functions
These are commonly used functions for quick calculations.
Density of Mild steel
- [skg]: Returns the density of mild steel in kg/m³.
- Example: [skg] returns 7850.
- [slb]: Returns the density of mild steel in lb/ft³.
- Example: [slb] returns 490.636.
Mathematical Constants
- [PI]: Returns the mathematical constant pi (π), approximately 3.14159.
- Example: [PI] returns 3.14159.
Global Variables
- Use global variables consistently throughout your project.
- Example: 1 + [ABC] adds 1 to the value of [ABC].
Power Calculation
- Computes the power of a number.
- Example: 2^3 returns 8.
Square Root
- Computes the square root of a number.
- Example: 4^(1/2) returns 2.
Conditional Statements
- Performs logic-based outcomes based on conditions.
- Example: if(10 > 5) {55} else {66} returns 55.
Bill Item Quantity
- [qty]: Returns the quantity associated with a bill item.
- Example: [qty] returns 100 (or the specified quantity).
2. JavaScript Math Functions
These functions utilize JavaScript for advanced mathematical operations.
Basic Math Functions
- E: Euler’s constant, approximately 2.718.
- Example: Math.E returns 2.718.
- PI or [PI]: Returns the mathematical constant pi (π).
- Example: Math.PI returns 3.14159.
Logarithmic Functions
- LN(x): Returns the natural logarithm of x.
- Example: Math.LN(2) returns 0.693.
- log(x): Computes the natural logarithm of x.
- Example: Math.log(10) returns 2.3026.
- LOG(x)E: Calculates the logarithm of x in base E.
- Example: Math.LOG(2) returns 0.3010.
Rounding Functions
- ceil(x): Rounds x up to the nearest integer.
- Example: Math.ceil(2.1) returns 3.
- floor(x): Rounds x down to the nearest integer.
- Example: Math.floor(2.9) returns 2.
- round(x): Rounds x to the nearest integer.
- Example: Math.round(2.5) returns 3.
- toFixed(n): Rounds x to n decimal places.
- Example: 2.567.toFixed(2) returns 2.57.
Other Math Functions
- min(x, y, z, ...): Returns the smallest value from a list of arguments.
- Example: Math.min(0, 150, 30, -200, -8) returns -200.
- max(x, y, z, ...): Returns the largest value from a list of arguments.
- Example: Math.max(0, 150, 30, 20, -8) returns 150.
- SQRT(x): Computes the square root of x.
- Example: Math.SQRT(9) returns 3.
- sin(x): Calculates the sine of an angle in radians.
- Example: Math.sin(Math.PI / 2) returns 1.
3. JavaScript Date Functions
These functions are used to manage contract-related calculations and project timelines.
Contract Start and End Dates
- SD1: Define the contract start date.
- Example: SD = 10/01/2017 sets the start date to 10th January 2017.
- ED1: Define the contract end date.
- Example: ED = 24/05/2017 sets the end date to 24th May 2017.
Contract Duration
- Calculate the total duration of the contract in weeks.
- CD1 = (([ED] - [SD]) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365.242 * 12 * 4.33).toFixed(2)
This returns the duration in weeks, e.g., 19.07.
- CD1 = (([ED] - [SD]) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365.242 * 12 * 4.33).toFixed(2)
4. Project Financing Example
Contract Interest Cost Calculation Example
The table below demonstrates how to calculate the financing cost for a construction project, including initial principal, monthly increase, and interest over the repayment period.
Example of a pricing worksheet for calculating contract interest costs:
Description |
Resource |
Rate |
Unit |
Variable |
Equation |
Value |
Amount |
Clients financing variables |
1 |
1 |
- |
Annual Interest Rate |
[BLR_GV]% |
0.04 |
- |
Client initial Principal costs |
1 |
1 |
- |
Initial Principal |
IP |
[LAC_GV] |
1,600,000.00 |
- |
Client monthly increase cost of build |
1 |
1 |
- |
Design and Consultants' costs: |
[TDC_GV] |
9,300,000.00 |
- |
Contractors build cost |
[CEB_GV] |
60,000,000.00 |
- |
Clients provisions |
[CPC_GV] |
11,367,600.00 |
- |
Total client cost less land acquisition cost |
CC |
80,667,600.00 |
- |
Monthly Increase |
MI |
[CC]/[CPD_GV] |
1,390,820.69 |
- |
Client cost of interest |
1 |
1 |
- |
Number of Repayment Periods |
[CPD_GV] |
58 |
- |
Monthly Rate |
[AIR]/12 |
- |
- |
Total Interest |
Interest |
1.00 |
sum |
FOR(0, [NOR]): { answer += ([IP] + ([MI] * count)) * [MIR] } |
7,972,755.33 |
7,972,755.33 |
Breakdown of Key Calculations
- Initial Principal (IP): The land acquisition cost [LAC_GV] is the starting principal.
- Value: 1,600,000
2. Annual Interest Rate (AIR): The yearly interest rate is 4%, converted into a monthly rate:
- Formula: [AIR] / 12
- Value: 0.0033333
3. Total Client Cost (CC): Sum of consultant, contractor, and provision costs.
- Formula: [TDC_GV] + [CEB_GV] + [CPC_GV]
- Value: 80,667,600
4. Monthly Increase (MI): Monthly construction cost increase based on repayment period.
- Formula: [CC] / [CPD_GV]
- Value: 1,390,820.69
- Total Interest Calculation: Using a loop formula:
FOR(0, [NOR]): { answer += ([IP] + ([MI] * count)) * [MIR] }- Total Interest Value: 7,972,755.33